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Transformation... moment by moment, day by day... Seeking Christ First!

My Beloved Daughter

My Beloved Daughter
Candace Janette Hames Junior 2009

Florida Girl in Georgia...

My photo
Smyrna, Georgia, United States
Originally from Bradenton Florida, I moved to Metro Atlanta during a Blizzard on December 7, 1985! I have the honor of being Mom to Candace Hames whom I am greatly proud of and cherish every moment I am with her! My Daughter Graduated With Honors, 2nd Graduating Class of Allatoona High School & is at East Georgia College at Georgia Southern University. GOD has restored our cherished relationship through my obedience to GODS call upon my life & greatest thing that I know about our relationship, she knows that what I believe I live, In Christ Jesus of Nazareth my Lord forever. Amen

If Jesus was able to rescue a wounded soul as I was... He can rescue you!

Conceived and born into a family parented by addiction, alcoholism, abuse and sexual perversion. Choosing not to choose sides during an ugly divorce while in my teens and with my siblings, in full rebellion, far from the ways of a believer in Christ Jesus of Nazareth, my thoughts were to get as far away as quickly as possible... further taking myself down a path that prays on the broken in the world without healthy support.
Praise GOD, He was ever present!
Returning to studying the Bible time after struggling time, but not laying down the mess that was my life until in an unequally yoked marriage to an addict, witnessing in horror and living in panic and fear, and it's effect on myself and our Daughter, as he lived the full blown life of addiction, in every regard... quickened my heart to go back to my first and only love, Christ Jesus of Nazareth...
and the rest continues unfolding to this day!
Glory to GOD for grace renewed each morning and sufficient for each day. Praise GOD, I'm not whom I once was! I believe GOD will not leave me the way that I am... even all these years later, at this moment... as He transforms me into the likeness of His only Son, Christ Jesus of Nazareth, His Only Son who held nothing back... taking on the wrath of GOD for All Sin, Past, Present and Future for Everyone and to come to save me over 2000 years later, by moving in and living in my heart, that He has restored!
In Christ Jesus, I am complete.
Do you know Him? He is Awesome and your life will never be the same... Christ Jesus of Nazareth, the Risen Lord of Lord and King of Kings... Read the book of Romans in the Bible to begin your journey and once He gives you ears to hear His voice to ask Him to forgive you of everything you have done, every sin forever, find a Bible Believing and Teaching Church close to you. Attend Church that next Sunday, give faithfully to GOD 10% of your Gross Increase into your life each week and be Baptized immediately as your public profession of your Death to Your Life, Burial in the Grave, plunging under the waters and Being Raised into New Life, No Longer Your Life, but Christ's life lived through you, being the Hands and Feet of Christ, taking Him to a lost, dark and dying world who need a Savior to restore them!
For the next month, camp out in the book of John to receive your instruction for living a Christian Life and begin to serve others in your Church, Family, Work and Community, to Shine the Light of GOD brightly into every area of darkness in a Lost and Dying World, as GOD has now done in you!
Be GOD Blessed and Highly Favored...

Search For Answers... Seek His Golden Nuggets!


Friday, July 30, 2010

PaulTripp: If sin was only about misbehavior, the law would provide rescue, but since it's a condition of the heart, grace alone provides deliverance.

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